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We Train
The ICVM offers a virtually unlimited list of services and training because of our vast network of Emergency, Technical, Survival, and Security professionals. When it comes to training, we offer our fellow citizens a powerful resource and a recipe for success. Listed below is a comprehensive list of training we offer to both our fellow citizens and our active membership. Please contact us for more info.
  • American History and Constitution
  • Indiana History and Constitution
  • Water Purification
  • Emergency First Aid
  • Map and Compass
  • Firearms Safety
  • Envelopes
  • Radio theory
  • Field Expedient Shelter
  • Leadership Skills
The Militia Concept
The ICVM offers training and skill sets that have been lost in our modern school system. We work towards preparing the citizens of our Republic with the knowledge to both handle any disaster that they may be presented with and also educating as to our State and countries history and the importance of our Constitutions. Please contact us for more info.